Listen in Community
Small Group Study
Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonian church was written to encourage them to persist in righteous living as they kept the return of Jesus at the forefront of their minds. Paul highlighted the need for living in a way that pleases God just before discussing Jesus’ return. By having a right relationship with God, believers who are alive at the return of Jesus will rise to Him rather than suffer God’s anger and the consequences of the Day of the Lord. Paul’s instructions are equally meaningful to us today as we wait with anticipation for the return of our King.
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QUESTION Have you ever waited on something with anticipation: a package, a person, a special event, or even a promotion at work? What was the hardest part about waiting? What emotions did you experience?
Waiting expectantly is something everyone experiences. From counting down the days to Christmas and birthdays as a kid to more recent things we wait excitedly for, nothing should compare to the hope we have for Jesus’ return.
As we watch this video, consider this question:
QUESTION How can Jesus’ soon return encourage us to reprioritize how we live everyday life?
Colton has loved pets since he was little. When he was eight years old, his family had the opportunity to adopt a Boxer-Labrador mix named Zorro. It’s no exaggeration to say they loved each other at first sight. Both the boy and the pup began bonding from the minute they saw one another.
Over the summer the two were inseparable. When Colton returned to school, Zorro began his daily routine of longingly staring at the driveway for the moment of Colton's return. For the first few weeks, Zorro hadn’t figured out the pattern of Colton’s arrival. But he soon began picking up on the signs—the sound of gravel crunching in the driveway, the low hum of the family car parking, and then a door opening and shutting as his favorite boy lunged out, running full speed toward his beloved pet. The doghouse was situated in the back of the pen. Zorro would hear these familiar sounds and begin bounding toward the gate, so he wouldn’t miss a minute of watching Colton’s arrival.
Soon, Zorro knew the time of day when the car brought back his favorite person. He would sit in a spot near the gate, outside the protective covering of his doghouse, rain or shine, waiting for the car to return home. When Colton was late or out of town, the forlorn dog emitted his signature disappointed whine upon realizing the person exiting the car wasn't who he was hoping to see.
QUESTION Do you wait for the day of the Lord’s return with excitement or anxiety? |
What the Bible Says
We should be watchful and filled with excitement, and ready for our Master—the One whom our soul loves. But sometimes when we think of the return of Jesus, our hearts are gripped with fearful thoughts of end-time events.
Although the reality of the Lord’s return will not happen without every end-time prophecy being fulfilled, we must remember the joy the day will bring as well. We will experience much joy when we finally see the One we worship, desire, follow, and love. If we keep that before us, this joy will overpower any fear of end-time events.
Be Informed
Read 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18.
For every one of us who has lost a loved one who was a believer, the hope presented in these Scriptures is irreplaceable. Paul gives us the correct expectation we can foster to see that loved one again on the day of Jesus’ return. As we grieve the death of loved ones, we must grieve with this hope in mind.
QUESTION Is there a specific loved one you are looking forward to seeing again on the day of the Lord’s return? |
Yet this passage isn’t just about those who have passed. It also notes that believers who are alive at this moment will be “caught up” into the air to meet Jesus. Those words, “caught up” are the key to why some people call this event the Rapture. The Latin version of this concept is the term raptus (found as rapiemur in the Latin translation of this Bible passage), the root of our English word rapture.
Paul is asking us to remind one another about the hope of resurrection for both the alive and dead in Christ. When one of us forgets the reality of this coming day, the rest of us are charged to encourage one another to remember these truths.
QUESTION Who in your life needs to be reminded of this hope?
Be Focused
Read 1 Thessalonians 5:1–4.
Many are focused on the date and time of the Lord’s return. But as God’s children, we must focus on right living. The futility of attempting to predict the day when Jesus will return has not stopped hundreds of men and women from making such predictions. This focus on a particular date robs us of what God would have us keep our eyes on. We must focus on living holy lives and fulfilling the Great Commission, so that those who are spiritually dead may experience life in Jesus on the day of His return.
QUESTION Can you recall a specific prediction made about the return of the Lord in your lifetime?
QUESTION How should our evangelistic efforts change because we know the Day of the Lord is approaching?
Be Challenged
Read 1 Thessalonians 5:5–11.
Paul calls us children of the light, and as such he invites us to stop behaving like those who belong to darkness. Those who are of the day are awake, alert, sober, and watchful. Conversely, children of the night are drunken, numb, and asleep to the reality of the light.
This numbing happens as people medicate with pleasures, stay addicted to distractions, and willfully shut out the light. It’s a true challenge to stay awake in a world that is asleep. Staying awake takes work; staying asleep is easier. As believers, we must face this challenge head-on.
QUESTION Practically, what does it look like to stay alert and clear-headed?
QUESTION How does wearing the armor of faith and love enable us to be ready for the day of the Lord’s return? |
We’ll begin to experience the culmination of Jesus’ sacrifice for us when He returns. Although we don’t know the day or time of His return, the fact that He’s coming back for us should warm our hearts with hope. It’s this hope that lets us walk through the trials and suffering of our lives victoriously.
In Jesus, no one in history who has ever believed in Him and called on His name remains lost. Even those believers who have died will glorify His name and worship Him forever in eternity. No other faith boasts the reward for a righteous life that rivals our reward, an eternity with Jesus Himself. God dwelling among us is the truly incredible thing about heaven. Jesus is coming back, and we must remain ready for His return.
Listen to God
The goal of Listen is not only to gain an understanding of God’s Word, but also to pause and listen to what God might want to say to us about what we have read and shared. Be silent for a few moments and reflect on the following questions. Choose the one that most resonates with what God is saying to you now. Then complete the others during Day 1 of your devotion time this week.
Personal Reflection Questions
Record your answers to the following questions in the space provided or in your personal journal.
QUESTION If Jesus were to return today, would you say you are ready in heart and life to meet Him?
QUESTION What things in your life need to be eliminated, so you will be ready for Jesus’ return?
Many times, sin is shrouded in socially acceptable labels. We might call immorality a sickness. We might rename excess as prosperity. We might rationalize gluttony as harmless indulgence. All of these are slippery slopes.
QUESTION Prayerfully consider if you have renamed any personal sin to be socially acceptable. Repent before God and ask Him to create a new heart in you and renew a right spirit within you.
QUESTION Assess your consistency in staying true to reading God’s Word and prayer. Being in God’s Word keeps us prepared daily for the Day of the Lord. What needs to change so you can be consistent in your devotional life? |
Prayer Requests
Note any requests from the group and remember to pray for them during the week. |
Before next time, continue to listen with the personal devotions.
Did You Know?
The number of predictions on the date of Jesus’ return is staggering. Obviously, every single one of these predictions has been incorrect. Eschatology (the study of end-time events) has important turning points and dates prophesied in multiple books of the Bible. But no singular event has captured the imagination and pulled on the mathematical skills and perceived prophetic impetus of human beings more than the day of Jesus’ return. Trying to pinpoint the day of the Lord’s return is an exercise in futility. Jesus firmly told His followers “no one” knows the date or time, not even Jesus Himself! Only God the Father knows. (See Matthew 24:36.) It could be any day, so we must live each day as if He could return today.
Listen on Your Own
Listening to God is something we need to do every day. Before you begin each devotion, pray and ask God to speak to you through His Word. Record your answers to the following questions in the space provided or in your personal journal.
Day 1
Read 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18; 5:1–11.
Look back over Listen in Community and complete your responses to the Personal Reflection Questions. If time permits, reread the Scripture too.
QUESTION What do you sense that God is saying to you about the hope of Jesus’ return and being ready for His return? |
Listen on Your Own
Day 2
Read 1 Corinthians 15:51–55.
The hope of the Rapture rearranges our reality around the expectation of Jesus’ return. The power of Jesus to raise the dead that occurred during His ministry on earth will be experienced globally in an instant. As we see signs pointing towards the imminent arrival of that day, God wills us to encourage one another with the promise of Jesus’ return.
QUESTION According to verse 54, what will our bodies be transformed into?
QUESTION How will being free of a mortal body and death change the reality of our existence?
Listen on Your Own
Day 3
Read Luke 12:35–40.
Jesus spoke extensively on the topic of His return. In this parable, Jesus instructs His disciples about what to expect. Jesus’ instructions can help us stay ready for His return as well. Adding to the imagery of a thief in the night, Jesus refers to Himself as the master of the banquet. Each of these analogies, if meditated upon, can give us more insight into the nature of His return.
QUESTION Jesus declares that the servants whom the master finds awake and ready will be blessed. What will their blessing be?
QUESTION In your own words, what is the modern-day equivalent of being dressed and keeping our lamps burning? What should we do to be ready in this way? |
Listen on Your Own
Day 4
Read Ephesians 5:15–18.
Sin keeps us from being ready for the return of Jesus. We must be ruthless in our removal of sin. In Revelation, we learn about the destiny of those who claim to follow God, but who continue in sin (Revelation 21:8). We must take care that while we walk with God, we do not remain deceived in sin that ultimately separates us from God.
QUESTION What is the mark of foolishness or thoughtlessness for a Christian according to Ephesians 5:17?
QUESTION The lists of sins found in these Scriptures are too common to miss in our times. What are we to fill ourselves with instead of this sin? (Ephesians 5:18) |
QUESTION According to Revelation 21:8, what’s the destination for those who continue to live in sin while they claim to know Jesus?
QUESTION In your own words, explain how acting thoughtlessly rather than being intentional about being filled with the Spirit would lead to sin. |
Listen on Your Own
Day 5
Read Matthew 24:36–44.
The day of Jesus’ return will come like a thief (2 Peter 3:10). Thieves come unexpectedly, without regard to the circumstances surrounding the day. While the Day of the Lord is good news to believers, it’s a day of bad news for those who have no knowledge of Jesus. These individuals go about their days without knowing that destruction is coming.
QUESTION According to Matthew 24:36, who is the only one who knows when the Lord will return?
QUESTION Which description of the suddenness of Jesus’ return from this Matthew account stands out most vividly to you?
QUESTION What does this tell us about how we live every day?