Learn in Community
Small Group Study
Volume Overview
Who is Jesus?
“For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)
If you asked your friends and family to name one of the most influential people in history who also claimed to be God, one name would likely come up the most—Jesus. When you consider Jesus’ unquestionable impact on history and the radical claim He made about himself, it becomes crystal clear: Jesus is not a person you can just overlook. Every person must have an informed opinion of this Man.
So, who is Jesus? In the classic book Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis reasoned that those who refuse to believe His claim to be God are left with the option of labeling Him as a lunatic or the devil. Jesus asked His closest followers who people thought He was (Matthew 16:13). The disciples responded with far-ranging opinions. But then, in verse 15, Jesus turned the question on them: “Who do you say I am?” Two thousand years later, there may not be a more important question for any of us to answer. Who is Jesus?
Maybe you’ve wondered if Jesus really is who He said He is. Are the historical claims about Him true? Maybe you’ve wondered if Jesus really is God.
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QUESTION Think about your favorite teachers and coaches. Who was your all-time favorite, and why?
Many different traits qualify someone as a good teacher. We might be drawn toward their wisdom, mastery of their subject, and their excitement about learning. Or we might appreciate someone who consistently models excellent character, who knows how to help us think and learn for ourselves, and who challenges us to become wise. Most of us especially loved the teacher who took time to know us and encouraged us the most. All of these qualities combined would certainly make someone a memorable teacher.
But what if a teacher could do more than just teach, instruct, and inspire? What if a teacher could actually change the state of the world and the hearts of humankind, not just now but forever? Shouldn’t the whole world want to know such a Teacher?
As we watch this video, think about your answer to this question: What is one thing you want everyone in the world to know about Jesus?
QUESTION What is one thing you want everyone in the world to know about Jesus?
Consider What the Bible Says The Bible teaches that all people have sinned and fall short of God’s standard (Romans 3:23). Everyone is in need of a savior. As John 3:16 tells us, God sent His Son to rescue us because He loves us. This means anyone who believes in Jesus can be saved.
Our Christian faith is based on the understanding that Jesus Christ is the One who paid the price for our sin. He alone was uniquely qualified for this task, being God in the flesh. Jesus made it possible for us to be in a relationship with the Father both now and forever. It’s important for us to understand exactly what the Bible says about who Jesus is. In John chapter 20 we’ll explore the ways we can trust Jesus, like Thomas did, as our God.
Jesus Conquered Death
Jesus’ willingness to come to earth and give His own life changes everything for us. Read John 20:1–9.
QUESTION What did the disciples see that day that surprised them?
Most world religions have memorable leaders in their history. Some of those leaders claimed to be divine. Followers of many religions can pay respect to their leaders at tombs and gravesites. Christianity alone has a Leader who was fully man and fully God. Christianity alone has a Leader who is resurrected and is no longer in His tomb. The Bible clearly teaches that Jesus’ grave is empty (Matthew 28:6). This had been prophesied in Scripture hundreds of years before Jesus’ resurrection (Psalm 16:10). Many eyewitnesses attested to it (1 Corinthians 15:3–8). Through the power of the Holy Spirit, Jesus defeated death, hell, and the grave. Jesus’ miraculous and eternal resurrection is a key to recognizing Him as God the Son.
QUESTION What impacts you as you think about Jesus conquering death?
Did You Know?
There’s a good reason the women didn’t prepare Jesus’ body until more than a day after He was placed in a tomb (Luke 24:1). The day after Jesus’ death was the Sabbath. This is the day of the week the Jews rested from work. Sabbath rules regarding labor required that the women wait to prepare the body of Jesus until Sunday morning. After arriving at the tomb, they discovered their preparations would no longer be necessary. Jesus had risen!
Jesus Connects with People
Our God is not just a lifeless statue or only an idea, as some other religious leaders are. He knows us personally and helps us know Him. Read John 20:19–26.
Imagine being in this moment without knowing how everything will turn out. Most of us can relate to Thomas and his reluctance to believe what his friends were telling him. After all, it seemed too incredible to be true—Jesus had appeared to them! Along with the other disciples, Thomas had spent a lot of time with Jesus. He knew Jesus was a natural, living person who slept and ate just like everyone else. He had seen Jesus be crucified. He knew what the outcome of crucifixion was.
How unforgettable this must have been for Thomas to see Jesus for himself! The doors were locked. Suddenly Jesus was in the room with His disciples again. Now Thomas could see for himself: Jesus was real, alive, and approachable.
What might it have felt like to have been in the locked room that day with Thomas and the other disciples?
In the same way, the Holy Spirit helps each of us understand that the testimonies we read in Scripture are true. The Spirit testifies to us that Jesus is real and with us (1 Corinthians 2: 10–12).
QUESTION At what time in your life did you feel Jesus connecting with you in a real and personal way?
We Must Choose to Trust Jesus as Our God
Jesus has done His part to help us believe Him. Now we must do our part. Read John 20:27–29.
Thomas had spent three years with Jesus. He traveled with Him, listened to Him, and watched all He did and said. Thomas knew Jesus was a gifted religious teacher and leader. But now he was confronted with the fact that Jesus was much more than a great teacher. Jesus was God, exactly as He had claimed to be. “Doubting” Thomas actually had the honor of being the first of the disciples to recognize Jesus as both Lord and God. In the same way, we must act on the realization that Jesus is God and put our faith in Him.
QUESTION Why might Jesus have wanted the disciples to see His wounds and scars?
QUESTION In verse 29, Jesus challenged Thomas not to be faithless anymore. How is He challenging you to believe in Him right now?
Jesus is God
Since Jesus walked the earth, people have had to decide what to believe about Him. His impact on world history is undeniable. Our world’s historical time line is divided by His birth. Of course, some claim that Jesus was a fraud and a liar, so they reject everything He did and said. Many others try to claim Jesus was a talented and moral teacher whose life is an example to us. Even many who claim to be a Christian want to take the benefits of acknowledging Him without giving much in response.
Because Jesus truly is God, His sacrifice for our sin changes everything. Everyone in the world is broken because of sin and selfishness. Jesus provides the perfect answer to the problem for everyone who will accept Him. Believing in Him, giving our life to Him, and telling others about Him becomes vital. We know God the Father loved everyone so much that He sent His Son so we could live with Him forever.
Listen to God
Let’s pause and listen to what God might want to say to us about what we’ve read and shared. Be silent for a few moments and reflect on the following questions. Respond to the one that most resonates with what God is saying to you now. Then complete the others during Day 1 of your devotion time this week.
Personal Reflection Questions
Record your answers to the following questions in the space provided or in your personal journal.
QUESTION Is Jesus just a teacher or good moral example to you, or have you made Him Lord of your life?
QUESTION What are some things Jesus has asked of you that you have been slow to obey?
QUESTION Sometimes Jesus asks us to do things we do not fully understand. How does your desire to understand impact your willingness to obey Him?
Activate If we believe John 3:16 is true, then our life and actions ought to reflect that belief. Everyone around us needs to know the solution to our terrible problem of sin—Jesus is the answer.
This week, look for an opportunity to have a significant conversation with a friend, family member, or coworker about Jesus claiming to be God. Sharing our faith is an important part of living out our beliefs. It becomes easier and more natural every time we share. Your story is a beautiful example to those around you. Many would love to hear what Jesus is doing in your life.
Prayer Requests
Note any requests from the group and remember to pray for them during the week.
Before next time, continue to spend time in God’s Word with the personal devotions.
What We Believe
Jesus Is God
The Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, has always existed. He too is without beginning or end (Revelation 1:8). In order to complete His earthly sacrificial mission, He became human by being born of a virgin, conceived by the Holy Spirit (Matthew 1:23; Luke 1:31, 35). He lived a perfect life, absolutely without sin (Hebrews 7:26; 1 Peter 2:22). While on earth Jesus worked many miracles through the anointing of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:22; 10:38). In order to restore fallen humankind, He died on the Cross as a substitute for the sins of every person (1 Corinthians 15:3; 2 Corinthians 5:21). He was raised from the dead by the supernatural power of God (Matthew 28:6; Luke 24:39; 1 Corinthians 6:14; 15:4). Since His resurrection, Jesus has been exalted (honored), and is seated at the right hand of God (Acts 1:9–11; 2:33; Philippians 2:9–11; Hebrews 1:3).
The Significance of This Doctrine
The supernatural birth of Jesus, His sinless life, and the miracles He performed all give
proof that He is the divine Son of God. He came to earth in human form and gave
himself as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. No death of a natural human could provide
forgiveness of sin and offer salvation for all humanity. Knowing that Jesus came from
God, actually is God, and returned to God’s presence after His death and resurrection
assures us that our salvation and restored relationship with God is not only logical, but a
true reality.
Learn on Your Own
Before you begin each devotion, pray and ask God to speak to you through His Word. Record your answers to the following questions in the space provided or in your personal journal.
Day 1: Jesus Is God Read John 20:24–28.
Look back over Learn in Community and complete your responses to the Personal Reflection Questions. Plan how to complete the Activate component if you haven’t already done so. If time permits, reread the Scripture too.
QUESTION What is God saying to you about Jesus as God?
Learn on Your Own
Day 2: Jesus Had a Miraculous Birth Read Matthew 1:18–25.
Many of us have heard this passage at Christmastime, but we might not have stopped to really think about how miraculous this was. Mary conceived Jesus before she had been intimate with her husband or anyone else. Even from conception, Jesus’ life was miraculous. Unlike the rest of us, Jesus was sinless (Luke 1:35). Even though He was tempted in every way, He never sinned (Hebrews 4:15). Because Jesus came to be with us and because of all He did while here on earth, we can be free from sin and death.
QUESTION What are some ways Jesus was like us when He was here? What are some ways He was different from us?
QUESTION How does it impact you to know Jesus was tempted in every way we are but never fell to sin?
Learn on Your Own
Day 3: Jesus Is Seated at God’s Right Hand Read Hebrews 1:1–4.
This passage teaches that not only is Jesus God’s Son, but He is also the exact representation of God. Many people have the false idea that Jesus is nice, but God the Father is mean and demanding. The truth is that Jesus shows all of us what God’s heart is like—full of love, hope, and sacrifice for everyone.
QUESTION When you think about God the Father and God the Son, what are they like in your imagination?
QUESTION How is what you have imagined different from what this passage of Scripture teaches? How can you bring your thoughts closer to what the Bible says?
Learn on Your Own
Day 4: Jesus Is the Word of God Read John 1:1–14.
The Bible is our firm foundation and guide. In it, we find all truth and the structure for our life and faith. How wonderful to know that Jesus is the very Word of God! He was a flesh-and-blood message from our Creator. In addition, spending time in the written Word also brings us closer to Jesus because God is the Source of that message as well. The more we memorize and meditate on the Word of God, the better we know Jesus. We can know His heart better by making the Bible a priority in life.
QUESTION What does this passage say about how long Jesus has existed? What was created through Him?
QUESTION Are you interacting with the Bible differently than before you started this study? What changes has it brought in your life?
Learn on Your Own
Day 5: Jesus Alone Paid for Our Sin Read 1 Peter 2:21–25.
Even though Jesus was both fully God and fully man, He never sinned like the rest of us do. Because He was without sin, Jesus alone broke the power of sin. He took all our sin upon himself on the cross (Romans 3:21–31). He paid the enormous price for all our human selfishness. Because of this, when we give our life to Jesus, we’re free for the first time in our life to choose not to sin (Galatians 5:1). That’s a glorious thing!
QUESTION Can you remember a time you could not seem to help yourself from repeatedly committing the same sin? What was that like?
QUESTION If you have made Jesus the Lord of your life, has your ability to say no to sin changed? List several examples of victory over sin in your life.